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Versioning Data Structures in BDP Enterprise

How do I version?​

Breaking and non-breaking changes​

In Data Structures UI at the point of publishing a schema you'll be asked to select which version you'd like to create. There are two options:

  • Non-breaking - a non-breaking change is backward compatible with historical data and increments the patch number i.e. 1-0-0 -> 1-0-1.
  • Breaking - a breaking change is not backwards compatible with historical data and increments the model number i.e. 1-0-0 -> 2-0-0.

Should I choose breaking or non-breaking?​

Different data warehouses handle schema evolution slightly differently. Use the table below as a guide to how to handle versioning in Data Structures for your warehouse.

RedshiftSnowflake, BigQuery & Databricks
Add / remove / rename an optional fieldNon-breakingNon-breaking
Add / remove / rename a required fieldBreakingBreaking
Change a field from optional to requiredBreakingBreaking
Change a field from required to optionalBreakingNon-breaking
Change the type of an existing fieldBreakingBreaking
Change the size of an existing fieldNon-breakingNon-breaking

In Redshift and Databricks, changing size may also mean type change; e.g. changing the maximum integer from 30000 to 100000. See our documentation on how schemas translate to database types.

Overwriting schemas​

Wherever possible we would advise always versioning the schema when making a change. However in cases where this isn't possible, Snowplow does allow you to overwrite a schema on your development environment, that is making a change and keeping the version the same.

Overwriting in your Production environment is forbidden due to the technology that auto-adjusts your tables, so when you promote an overwritten version to the Production environment you are required to increase the version as Breaking or Non-Breaking.

Incrementing the middle digit​

For particular workflows you may want to make use of the middle digital as part of your versioning strategy. For simplicity, the UI allows only breaking or non-breaking changes.

Should you wish to use the middle versioning digit this is possible via the Data Structures API.

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