Stream Enrich
and stream-enrich-kafka
will soon be deprecated in favor of enrich-kinesis and enrich-kafka, respectively. We recommend switching when you have the opportunity.
Available on Terraform Registry​
A Terraform module is available which deploys Stream Enrich on a AWS EC2 without the need for this manual setup.
Run Stream Enrich​
Stream Enrich is on docker hub with several different flavours. Pull the image that matches the source/sink you are using:
docker pull snowplow/stream-enrich-kinesis:3.7.1
docker pull snowplow/stream-enrich-kafka:3.7.1
docker pull snowplow/stream-enrich-nsq:3.7.1
The application is configured by passing a hocon file on the command line:
docker run --rm \
--log-driver awslogs \
--log-opt awslogs-group=${log_group_name} \
--log-opt awslogs-stream=$(ec2metadata --instance-id) \
-v ${path_to_config_dir}:/snowplow/config \
snowplow/stream-enrich-${message_queue}:3.7.1 \
--config /snowplow/config/config.hocon \
--resolver file:/snowplow/config/iglu_resolver.json \
--enrichments file:/snowplow/config/enrichments/
Alternatively, you can download and run a jar file from the github release.
java -jar snowplow-stream-enrich-kinesis-3.7.1.jar \
--config /path/to/config.hocon \
--enrichments file:/path/to/enrichments/ \
--resolver file:/path/to/iglu_resolver.json \
The configuration guide describes how to construct the config, enrichments, and resolver input files.