Snowplow Web Macros
This page is auto-generated from our dbt packages, some information may be incomplete
Snowplow Web
Allow Refresh
This macro is used to determine if a full-refresh is allowed (depending on the environment), using the snowplow__allow_refresh
if environment is not dev
, none
- raw
- default
{% macro allow_refresh() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('allow_refresh', 'snowplow_web')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__allow_refresh() %}
{% set allow_refresh = snowplow_utils.get_value_by_target(
) %}
{{ return(allow_refresh) }}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
Referenced By
Consent Fields
This macro does not currently have a description.
{% macro consent_fields() %}
{% set consent_fields = [
{'field': 'event_type', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'basis_for_processing', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'consent_url', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'consent_version', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'consent_scopes', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'domains_applied', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'gdpr_applies', 'dtype': 'string'}
] %}
{{ return(consent_fields) }}
{% endmacro %}
Referenced By
Filter Bots
This macro is used to generate a warehouse specific filter for the useragent
field to remove bots from processing, or to overwrite for custom filtering. The filter excludes any of the following in the string:
- bot
- crawl
- slurp
- spider
- archiv
- spinn
- sniff
- seo
- audit
- survey
- pingdom
- worm
- capture
- (browser|screen)shots
- analyz
- index
- thumb
- check
- PingdomBot
- PhantomJS
- YandexBot
- Twitterbot
- a_archiver
- facebookexternalhit
- Bingbot
- BingPreview
- Googlebot
- Baiduspider
- 360(Spider|User-agent)
- semalt
(string): (Optional) the table alias to identify the useragent column from. Default none
A filter on useragent
to exclude those with strings matching the above list.
where 1=1
-- returns (snowflake)
where 1=1
and not rlike(useragent, '.*(bot|crawl|slurp|spider|archiv|spinn|sniff|seo|audit|survey|pingdom|worm|capture|(browser|screen)shots|analyz|index|thumb|check|facebook|PingdomBot|PhantomJS|YandexBot|Twitterbot|a_archiver|facebookexternalhit|Bingbot|BingPreview|Googlebot|Baiduspider|360(Spider|User-agent)|semalt).*')
- raw
- bigquery
- default
- snowflake
- spark
{% macro filter_bots(table_alias = none) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('filter_bots', 'snowplow_web')(table_alias)) }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% macro bigquery__filter_bots(table_alias = none) %}
and not regexp_contains({% if table_alias %}{{table_alias~'.'}}{% endif %}useragent, '(bot|crawl|slurp|spider|archiv|spinn|sniff|seo|audit|survey|pingdom|worm|capture|(browser|screen)shots|analyz|index|thumb|check|facebook|PingdomBot|PhantomJS|YandexBot|Twitterbot|a_archiver|facebookexternalhit|Bingbot|BingPreview|Googlebot|Baiduspider|360(Spider|User-agent)|semalt)')
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__filter_bots(table_alias = none) %}
and {% if table_alias %}{{table_alias~'.'}}{% endif %}useragent not similar to '%(bot|crawl|slurp|spider|archiv|spinn|sniff|seo|audit|survey|pingdom|worm|capture|(browser|screen)shots|analyz|index|thumb|check|facebook|PingdomBot|PhantomJS|YandexBot|Twitterbot|a_archiver|facebookexternalhit|Bingbot|BingPreview|Googlebot|Baiduspider|360(Spider|User-agent)|semalt)%'
{% endmacro %}
{% macro snowflake__filter_bots(table_alias = none) %}
and not rlike({% if table_alias %}{{table_alias~'.'}}{% endif %}useragent, '.*(bot|crawl|slurp|spider|archiv|spinn|sniff|seo|audit|survey|pingdom|worm|capture|(browser|screen)shots|analyz|index|thumb|check|facebook|PingdomBot|PhantomJS|YandexBot|Twitterbot|a_archiver|facebookexternalhit|Bingbot|BingPreview|Googlebot|Baiduspider|360(Spider|User-agent)|semalt).*')
{% endmacro %}
{% macro spark__filter_bots(table_alias = none) %}
and not rlike({% if table_alias %}{{table_alias~'.'}}{% endif %}useragent, '.*(bot|crawl|slurp|spider|archiv|spinn|sniff|seo|audit|survey|pingdom|worm|capture|(browser|screen)shots|analyz|index|thumb|check|facebook|PingdomBot|PhantomJS|YandexBot|Twitterbot|a_archiver|facebookexternalhit|Bingbot|BingPreview|Googlebot|Baiduspider|360(Spider|User-agent)|semalt).*')
{% endmacro %}
Referenced By
Get Iab Context Fields
This macro is used to extract the fields from the iab enrichment context for each warehouse.
(string): (Optional) Table alias to prefix the column selection with. Default none
The sql to extract the columns from the iab context, or these columns as nulls.
- raw
- bigquery
- postgres
- snowflake
- spark
{% macro get_iab_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('get_iab_context_fields', 'snowplow_web')(table_prefix)) }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% macro bigquery__get_iab_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{% if execute %}
{% do exceptions.raise_compiler_error('get_iab_context_fields is not defined for bigquery, please use snowplow_utils.get_optional_fields instead') %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro postgres__get_iab_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{%- if var('snowplow__enable_iab', false) -%}
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}category,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}primary_impact,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}reason,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}spider_or_robot
{%- else -%}
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as category,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as primary_impact,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as reason,
cast(null as boolean) as spider_or_robot
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro snowflake__get_iab_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{%- if var('snowplow__enable_iab', false) %}
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_iab_snowplow_spiders_and_robots_1[0]:category::VARCHAR as category,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_iab_snowplow_spiders_and_robots_1[0]:primaryImpact::VARCHAR as primary_impact,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_iab_snowplow_spiders_and_robots_1[0]:reason::VARCHAR as reason,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_iab_snowplow_spiders_and_robots_1[0]:spiderOrRobot::BOOLEAN as spider_or_robot
{%- else -%}
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as category,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as primary_impact,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as reason,
cast(null as boolean) as spider_or_robot
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro spark__get_iab_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{%- if var('snowplow__enable_iab', false) -%}
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_iab_snowplow_spiders_and_robots_1[0].category::STRING as category,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_iab_snowplow_spiders_and_robots_1[0].primary_impact::STRING as primary_impact,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_iab_snowplow_spiders_and_robots_1[0].reason::STRING as reason,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_iab_snowplow_spiders_and_robots_1[0].spider_or_robot::BOOLEAN as spider_or_robot
{%- else -%}
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as category,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as primary_impact,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as reason,
cast(null as boolean) as spider_or_robot
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
- Macros
- macro.dbt.type_string
Referenced By
Get Ua Context Fields
This macro is used to extract the fields from the ua enrichment context for each warehouse.
(string): (Optional) Table alias to prefix the column selection with. Default none
The sql to extract the columns from the ua context, or these columns as nulls.
- raw
- bigquery
- postgres
- snowflake
- spark
{% macro get_ua_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('get_ua_context_fields', 'snowplow_web')(table_prefix)) }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% macro bigquery__get_ua_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{% if execute %}
{% do exceptions.raise_compiler_error('get_ua_context_fields is not defined for bigquery, please use snowplow_utils.get_optional_fields instead') %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro postgres__get_ua_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{%- if var('snowplow__enable_ua', false) -%}
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}useragent_family,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}useragent_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}useragent_minor,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}useragent_patch,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}useragent_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}os_family,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}os_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}os_minor,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}os_patch,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}os_patch_minor,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}os_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}device_family
{%- else -%}
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_family,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_minor,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_patch,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_family,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_minor,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_patch,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_patch_minor,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_family
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro snowflake__get_ua_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{%- if var('snowplow__enable_ua', false) -%}
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:useragentFamily::VARCHAR as useragent_family,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:useragentMajor::VARCHAR as useragent_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:useragentMinor::VARCHAR as useragent_minor,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:useragentPatch::VARCHAR as useragent_patch,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:useragentVersion::VARCHAR as useragent_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:osFamily::VARCHAR as os_family,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:osMajor::VARCHAR as os_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:osMinor::VARCHAR as os_minor,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:osPatch::VARCHAR as os_patch,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:osPatchMinor::VARCHAR as os_patch_minor,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:osVersion::VARCHAR as os_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0]:deviceFamily::VARCHAR as device_family
{%- else -%}
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_family,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_minor,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_patch,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_family,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_minor,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_patch,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_patch_minor,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_family
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro spark__get_ua_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{%- if var('snowplow__enable_ua', false) -%}
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].useragent_family::STRING as useragent_family,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].useragent_major::STRING as useragent_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].useragent_minor::STRING as useragent_minor,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].useragent_patch::STRING as useragent_patch,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].useragent_version::STRING as useragent_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].os_family::STRING as os_family,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].os_major::STRING as os_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].os_minor::STRING as os_minor,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].os_patch::STRING as os_patch,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].os_patch_minor::STRING as os_patch_minor,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].os_version::STRING as os_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_com_snowplowanalytics_snowplow_ua_parser_context_1[0].device_family::STRING as device_family
{%- else -%}
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_family,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_minor,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_patch,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as useragent_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_family,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_minor,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_patch,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_patch_minor,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as os_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_family
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
- Macros
- macro.dbt.type_string
Referenced By
Get Yauaa Context Fields
This macro is used to extract the fields from the yauaa enrichment context for each warehouse.
(string): (Optional) Table alias to prefix the column selection with. Default none
The sql to extract the columns from the yauaa context, or these columns as nulls.
- raw
- bigquery
- postgres
- snowflake
- spark
{% macro get_yauaa_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('get_yauaa_context_fields', 'snowplow_web')(table_prefix)) }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% macro bigquery__get_yauaa_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{% if execute %}
{% do exceptions.raise_compiler_error('get_yauaa_context_fields is not defined for bigquery, please use snowplow_utils.get_optional_fields instead') %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro postgres__get_yauaa_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{%- if var('snowplow__enable_yauaa', false) -%}
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}device_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}agent_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}agent_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}agent_name_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}agent_name_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}agent_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}agent_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}device_brand,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}device_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}device_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}layout_engine_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}layout_engine_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}layout_engine_name_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}layout_engine_name_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}layout_engine_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}layout_engine_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}operating_system_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}operating_system_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}operating_system_name_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}operating_system_version
{%- else -%}
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_name_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_name_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_brand,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_name_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_name_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_name_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_version
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro snowflake__get_yauaa_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{%- if var('snowplow__enable_yauaa', false) -%}
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:deviceClass::VARCHAR as device_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:agentClass::VARCHAR as agent_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:agentName::VARCHAR as agent_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:agentNameVersion::VARCHAR as agent_name_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:agentNameVersionMajor::VARCHAR as agent_name_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:agentVersion::VARCHAR as agent_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:agentVersionMajor::VARCHAR as agent_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:deviceBrand::VARCHAR as device_brand,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:deviceName::VARCHAR as device_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:deviceVersion::VARCHAR as device_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:layoutEngineClass::VARCHAR as layout_engine_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:layoutEngineName::VARCHAR as layout_engine_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:layoutEngineNameVersion::VARCHAR as layout_engine_name_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:layoutEngineNameVersionMajor::VARCHAR as layout_engine_name_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:layoutEngineVersion::VARCHAR as layout_engine_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:layoutEngineVersionMajor::VARCHAR as layout_engine_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:operatingSystemClass::VARCHAR as operating_system_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:operatingSystemName::VARCHAR as operating_system_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:operatingSystemNameVersion::VARCHAR as operating_system_name_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0]:operatingSystemVersion::VARCHAR as operating_system_version
{%- else -%}
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_name_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_name_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_brand,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_name_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_name_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_name_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_version
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro spark__get_yauaa_context_fields(table_prefix = none) %}
{%- if var('snowplow__enable_yauaa', false) -%}
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].device_class::STRING as device_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].agent_class::STRING as agent_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].agent_name::STRING as agent_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].agent_name_version::STRING as agent_name_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].agent_name_version_major::STRING as agent_name_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].agent_version::STRING as agent_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].agent_version_major::STRING as agent_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].device_brand::STRING as device_brand,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].device_name::STRING as device_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].device_version::STRING as device_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].layout_engine_class::STRING as layout_engine_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].layout_engine_name::STRING as layout_engine_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].layout_engine_name_version::STRING as layout_engine_name_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].layout_engine_name_version_major::STRING as layout_engine_name_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].layout_engine_version::STRING as layout_engine_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].layout_engine_version_major::STRING as layout_engine_version_major,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].operating_system_class::STRING as operating_system_class,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].operating_system_name::STRING as operating_system_name,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].operating_system_name_version::STRING as operating_system_name_version,
{% if table_prefix %}{{ table_prefix~"." }}{% endif %}contexts_nl_basjes_yauaa_context_1[0].operating_system_version::STRING as operating_system_version
{%- else -%}
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_name_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_name_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as agent_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_brand,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as device_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_name_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_name_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as layout_engine_version_major,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_class,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_name,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_name_version,
cast(null as {{ type_string() }}) as operating_system_version
{%- endif -%}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
- Macros
- macro.dbt.type_string
Referenced By
Iab Fields
This macro is used to return the appropriate field and type mapping for use in snowplow_utils.get_optional_fields
The specific fields and their type for the context (see macro code for values).
{% macro iab_fields() %}
{% set iab_fields = [
{'field':'category', 'dtype':'string'},
{'field':'primary_impact', 'dtype':'string'},
{'field':'reason', 'dtype':'string'},
{'field':'spider_or_robot', 'dtype':'boolean'}
] %}
{{ return(iab_fields) }}
{% endmacro %}
Referenced By
Stitch User Identifiers
This macro is used as a post-hook on the sessions table to stitch user identities using the user_mapping table provided.
(boolean): If the user stitching should be done or notrelation
(string): (Optional) The model to update thestitched_user_id
column in. Defaultthis
(string): (Optional) The model to use theuser_id
column from. Defaultsnowplow_web_user_mapping
The update/merge statement to update the stitched_user_id
column, if enabled.
- raw
- default
- spark
{% macro stitch_user_identifiers(enabled, relation=this, user_mapping_relation='snowplow_web_user_mapping') %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('stitch_user_identifiers', 'snowplow_web')(enabled, relation, user_mapping_relation)) }}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% macro default__stitch_user_identifiers(enabled, relation=this, user_mapping_relation='snowplow_web_user_mapping') %}
{% if enabled | as_bool() %}
-- Update sessions table with mapping
update {{ relation }} as s
set stitched_user_id = um.user_id
from {{ ref(user_mapping_relation) }} as um
where s.domain_userid = um.domain_userid;
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
{% macro spark__stitch_user_identifiers(enabled, relation=this, user_mapping_relation='snowplow_web_user_mapping') %}
{% if enabled | as_bool() %}
-- Update sessions table with mapping
merge into {{ relation }} as s
using {{ ref(user_mapping_relation) }} as um
on s.domain_userid = um.domain_userid
when matched then
update set s.stitched_user_id = um.user_id;
{% endif %}
{%- endmacro -%}
Referenced By
Ua Fields
This macro is used to return the appropriate field and type mapping for use in snowplow_utils.get_optional_fields
The specific fields and their type for the context (see macro code for values).
{% macro ua_fields() %}
{% set ua_fields = [
{'field': 'useragent_family', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'useragent_major', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'useragent_minor', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'useragent_patch', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'useragent_version', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'os_family', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'os_major', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'os_minor', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'os_patch', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'os_patch_minor', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'os_version', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'device_family', 'dtype': 'string'}
] %}
{{ return(ua_fields) }}
{% endmacro %}
Referenced By
Web Cluster By Fields Consent
This macro is used to return the appropriate cluster_by
fields for the table, depending on the warehouse target.
The specific fields for each warehouse (see macro code for values).
- raw
- default
{% macro web_cluster_by_fields_consent() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('web_cluster_by_fields_consent', 'snowplow_web')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__web_cluster_by_fields_consent() %}
{{ return(snowplow_utils.get_value_by_target_type(bigquery_val=["event_id","domain_userid"], snowflake_val=["to_date(load_tstamp)"])) }}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
Referenced By
Web Cluster By Fields Page Views
This macro is used to return the appropriate cluster_by
fields for the table, depending on the warehouse target.
The specific fields for each warehouse (see macro code for values).
- raw
- default
{% macro web_cluster_by_fields_page_views() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('web_cluster_by_fields_page_views', 'snowplow_web')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__web_cluster_by_fields_page_views() %}
{{ return(snowplow_utils.get_value_by_target_type(bigquery_val=["domain_userid","domain_sessionid"], snowflake_val=["to_date(start_tstamp)"])) }}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
Referenced By
Web Cluster By Fields Sessions
This macro is used to return the appropriate cluster_by
fields for the table, depending on the warehouse target.
The specific fields for each warehouse (see macro code for values).
- raw
- default
{% macro web_cluster_by_fields_sessions() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('web_cluster_by_fields_sessions', 'snowplow_web')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__web_cluster_by_fields_sessions() %}
{{ return(snowplow_utils.get_value_by_target_type(bigquery_val=["domain_userid"], snowflake_val=["to_date(start_tstamp)"])) }}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
Referenced By
Web Cluster By Fields Sessions Lifecycle
This macro is used to return the appropriate cluster_by
fields for the table, depending on the warehouse target.
The specific fields for each warehouse (see macro code for values).
- raw
- default
{% macro web_cluster_by_fields_sessions_lifecycle() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('web_cluster_by_fields_sessions_lifecycle', 'snowplow_web')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__web_cluster_by_fields_sessions_lifecycle() %}
{{ return(snowplow_utils.get_value_by_target_type(bigquery_val=["session_id"], snowflake_val=["to_date(start_tstamp)"])) }}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
Referenced By
Web Cluster By Fields Users
This macro is used to return the appropriate cluster_by
fields for the table, depending on the warehouse target.
The specific fields for each warehouse (see macro code for values).
- raw
- default
{% macro web_cluster_by_fields_users() %}
{{ return(adapter.dispatch('web_cluster_by_fields_users', 'snowplow_web')()) }}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro default__web_cluster_by_fields_users() %}
{{ return(snowplow_utils.get_value_by_target_type(bigquery_val=["user_id","domain_userid"], snowflake_val=["to_date(start_tstamp)"])) }}
{% endmacro %}
Depends On
Referenced By
Yauaa Fields
This macro is used to return the appropriate field and type mapping for use in snowplow_utils.get_optional_fields
The specific fields and their type for the context (see macro code for values).
{% macro yauaa_fields() %}
{% set yauaa_fields = [
{'field': 'device_class', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'agent_class', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'agent_name', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'agent_name_version', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'agent_name_version_major', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'agent_version', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'agent_version_major', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'device_brand', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'device_name', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'device_version', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'layout_engine_class', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'layout_engine_name', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'layout_engine_name_version', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'layout_engine_name_version_major', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'layout_engine_version', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'layout_engine_version_major', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'operating_system_class', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'operating_system_name', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'operating_system_name_version', 'dtype': 'string'},
{'field': 'operating_system_version', 'dtype': 'string'}
] %}
{{ return(yauaa_fields) }}
{% endmacro %}