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The Beam job reads data from a GCS location specified through a pattern and stores the recovered payloads in a PubSub topic, unrecovered and unrecoverable in other GCS buckets.


To build the docker image, run:

sbt beam/docker:publishLocal


To run on Apache Beam in GCP Dataflow run it through a docker-deployment like so:

docker run \
snowplow-event-recovery-beam:0.2.0 \
--runner=DataFlowRunner \
--job-name=${JOB_NAME} \
--project=${PROJECT_ID} \
--zone=${ZONE} \
--gcpTempLocation=gs://${TEMP_BUCKET_PATH} \
--inputDirectory=gs://${SOURCE_BUCKET_PATH}/** \
--outputTopic=${OUTPUT_PUBSUB} \
--failedOutput=gs://${UNRECOVERED_BUCKET_PATH} \
--unrecoverableOutput=gs://${UNRECOVERABLE_BUCKET_PATH} \
--config=${JOB_CONFIG} \
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