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Recovery Scenarios

The main ideas behind recovery, as presented here, are recovery scenarios. What are recovery scenarios? They are modular and composable processing units that will deal with a specific case you want to recover from.

As such, recovery scenarios are, at their essence, made of two things:

  • an error filter, which will serve as a router between bad rows and the appropriate recovery scenario
  • a mutate function, which will “fix” the payload

For example, if we wanted to recover a set of bad rows consisting of:

  • Bad rows that were created due to a missing schema
  • Bad rows that were created due to the payload not conforming to its schema
  • Bad rows that were created due to an enrichment failing

We would use a different recovery scenario for each of them, so three in total:

  • a first recovery scenario consisting of
    • an error filter checking for missing schema errors
    • a mutate function which does nothing (assuming the schema has been added since the bad rows occurred)
  • a second recovery scenario consisting of
    • an error filter checking for payloads not conforming to their schema errors
    • a mutate function which makes the payloads fit their schema
  • a third recovery scenario consisting of
    • an error filter checking for a particular enrichment failing errors
    • a mutate function which does nothing (assuming the enrichment was misconfigured and we just want to rerun it)

Out of the box recovery scenarios

For the most common recovery scenarios, it makes sense to support them out of the box and make them accessible through the recovery job’s configuration which is covered in the next section.

NameMutationExample use caseParameters
Pass throughDoes not mutate the payload in any wayA missing schema that was added after the facterror
Replace in query stringReplaces part of the query string according to a regexMisspecified a schema when using the Iglu webhookerror, toReplace, replacement
Remove from query stringRemoves part of the query string according to a regexProperty was wrongfully tracked and is not part of the schemaerror, toRemove
Replace in base64 field in query stringReplaces part of a base64 field in the query string according to a regexProperty was sent as a string but should be an numericerror, base64Field (cx or ue_px), toReplace, replacement
Replace in bodyReplaces part of the body according to a regexMisspecified a schema when using the Iglu webhookerror, toReplace, replacement
Remove from bodyRemoves part of the body according to a regexProperty was wrongfully tracked and is not part of the schemaerror, toRemove
Replace in base64 field in bodyReplaces part of a base64 field in the body according to a regexProperty was sent as a string but should be an numericerror, base64Field (cx or ue_px), toReplace, replacement

Note that, for every recovery scenario leveraging a regex, it’s possible to use capture groups. For example, to remove brackets but keep their content we would have a toReplace argument containing \\{.*\\} and a replacement argument containing $1 (capture groups are one-based numbered).

Custom recovery scenario

If your recovery scenario is not covered by the ones listed above, you can define your own by extending RecoveryScenario. To extend RecoveryScenario you will need two things:

  • an error which will be used to filter the incoming bad rows
  • a mutate function which will be used to actually modify the collector payload

As an example, we can define a path mutating recovery scenario in RecoveryScenario.scala:

final case class ReplaceInPath(
error: String,
toReplace: String,
replacement: String
) extends RecoveryScenario {
def mutate(payload: CollectorPayload): CollectorPayload = {
if (payload.path != null)
payload.path = payload.path.replaceAll(toReplace, replacement)

If you think your recovery scenario will be useful to others, please consider opening a pull request!


You’ll need to have cloned this repository to run those tests and downloaded SBT.

A complete recovery

You can test a complete recovery, starting from bad rows to getting the data enriched by:

  • Modifying the bad_rows.json file which should contain examples of bad rows you want to recover
  • Adding your recovery scenarios to recovery_scenarios.json
  • Fill out the payloads you’re expecting to generate after the recovery is run in expected_payloads.json. Here you have the choice of specifying a payload containing a querystring or a payload.
  • If your recovery is relying on specific Iglu repositories additionally to Iglu central, you’ll need to specify those repositories in resolver.json
  • If your recovery is relying on specific enrichments, you’ll need to add them to enrichments.json

Once this is all done, you can run sbt "project core" "testOnly *IntegrationSpec". What this process will do is:

  • Run the recovery on the bad rows contained in bad_rows.json according to the configuration in recovery_scenarios.json
  • Check that the recovered payloads outputted by the recovery conform to the contents of the expected payloads in expected_payloads.json
  • Check that these recovered payloads pass enrichments, optionally leveraging the additional Iglu repositories and enrichments

A custom recovery scenario

If you’ve written an additional recovery scenario you’ll need to add the corresponding unit tests to RecoverScenarioSpec.scala and then run sbt test.


The output of Snowplow Event Recovery can be fed into an enrichment platform to be enriched.


Once you have identified the different recovery scenarios you will want to run, you can construct the configuration that will be leveraging them. Here, we make use of each and every one of them as a showcase.

"schema": "iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/recoveries/jsonschema/1-0-0",
"data": [
# Schema com.acme/my_schema/jsonschema/1-0-0 was added after the fact
"name": "PassThrough",
"error": "Could not find schema with key iglu:com.acme/my_schema/jsonschema/1-0-0 in any repository"
# Typo in the schema name when using the Iglu webhook
"name": "ReplaceInQueryString",
"error": "Could not find schema with key iglu:com.snowplowanalytics.snowplow/screen_vie/jsonschema/1-0-0 in any repository",
"toReplace": "schema=iglu%3Acom.snowplowanalytics.snowplow%2Fscreen_vie%2Fjsonschema%2F1-0-0",
"replacement": "schema=iglu%3Acom.snowplowanalytics.snowplow%2Fscreen_view%2Fjsonschema%2F1-0-0"
# Removes illegal curlies in query strings (e.g. templates that haven't been filled)
"name": "RemoveFromQueryString",
"error": "Exception extracting name-value pairs from querystring",
"toRemove": "\\{.*\\}"
# Replaces a string by an integer in ue_px, it can be reused for ReplaceInBase64FieldInBody
"name": "ReplaceInBase64FieldInQueryString",
"error": "instance type (string) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"integer\"])\n level: \"error\"\n schema: {\"loadingURI\":\"#\",\"pointer\":\"/properties/sessionIndex\"",
"base64Field": "ue_px",
"toReplace": "\"sessionIndex\":\"(\\d+)\"",
# $1 refers to the first capture group
"replacement": "\"sessionIndex\":$1"
# Replaces the device created timestamp by a string
"name": "ReplaceInBody",
"error": "instance type (integer) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"string\"])\n level: \"error\"\n schema: {\"loadingURI\":\"#\",\"pointer\":\"/items/properties/dtm\"",
"toReplace": "\"dtm\":(\\d+)",
"replacement": "\"dtm\":\"$1\""
# Removes a field which shouldn't be there
"name": "RemoveFromBody",
"error": "object instance has properties which are not allowed by the schema: [\"test\"]",
"toRemove": "\"test\":\".*\",?"
# Same as ReplaceInBase64FieldInQueryString
"name": "ReplaceInBase64FieldInBody",
"error": "instance type (string) does not match any allowed primitive type (allowed: [\"integer\"])\n level: \"error\"\n schema: {\"loadingURI\":\"#\",\"pointer\":\"/properties/sessionIndex\"",
"base64Field": "ue_px",
"toReplace": "\"sessionIndex\":\"(\\d+)\"",
# $1 refers to the first capture group
"replacement": "\"sessionIndex\":$1"
# Our custom recovery scenario, replaces a wrong Iglu webhook path
"name": "ReplaceInPath",
"error": "Payload with vendor com.iglu and version v1 not supported",
"toReplace": "com.iglu/v1",
"replacement": "com.snowplowanalytics.iglu/v1"

Technical details

Spark for AWS real-time

The Spark job reads bad rows from an S3 location and stores the recovered payloads in another S3 location.

To build the fat jar, run: sbt "project spark" assembly.

Beam for GCP real-time

The Beam job reads data from a GCS location specified through a pattern and stores the recovered payloads in a PubSub topic.

To build the zip archive, run: sbt "project beam" universal:packageBin.

To build the docker image, run: sbt "project beam" docker:publishLocal.


Spark for AWS real-time

Using the JAR directly (which is hosted at s3://snowplow-hosted-assets/3-enrich/snowplow-event-recovery/):

spark-submit \
--class com.snowplowanalytcs.snowplow.event.recovery.Main \
--master master-url \
--deploy-mode deploy-mode \
--input s3://bad-rows-location/
--output s3://recovered-collector-payloads-location/
--config base64-encoded-configuration

Or through an EMR step:

aws emr add-steps --cluster-id j-XXXXXXXX --steps \

Beam for GCP real-time

Using the zip archive which can be downloaded from Github:

./bin/snowplow-event-recovery-beam \
--runner=DataFlowRunner \
--project=project-id \
--zone=europe-west2-a \
--gcpTempLocation=gs://location/ \
--inputDirectory=gs://bad-rows-location/* \
--outputTopic=projects/project/topics/topic \

Using a Docker container, for which the image is available from Docker Hub:

docker run \
-v $PWD/config:/snowplow/config \ # if running outside GCP
-e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/snowplow/config/credentials.json \ # if running outside GCP
snowplow/snowplow-event-recovery-beam:0.1.0 \
--runner=DataFlowRunner \
--project=project-id \
--zone=europe-west2-a \
--gcpTempLocation=gs://location/ \
--inputDirectory=gs://bad-rows-location/* \
--outputTopic=projects/project/topics/topic \
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