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Setup Webhooks

Snowplow allows you to collect events via the webhooks of supported third-party software.

Webhooks allow this third-party software to send their own internal event streams to Snowplow Collectors for further processing. Webhooks are sometimes referred to as "streaming APIs" or "HTTP response APIs".

1. Choose and configure a Webhook

The following Webhooks are currently available for setup:

Webhook (click for setup)DescriptionSupport in Snowplow
IgluFor tracking Iglu-compatible self-describing events0.9.11+
CallRailFor tracking completed telephone calls logged by CallRail0.9.11+
MailChimpFor tracking email and email-related events delivered by MailChimp0.9.11+
MandrillFor tracking email and email-related events delivered by Mandrill0.9.14+
PagerDutyFor tracking incidents reported to PagerDuty0.9.14+
PingdomFor tracking incidents detected by Pingdom0.9.14+
SendGridFor tracking email and email-related events delivered by SendGridRelease 75+
AirshipFor tracking mobile notification events generated by AirshipRelease 75+
ZendeskFor tracking tickets handling in Zendesk Support0.9.11+ (via Iglu webhook)
MailgunFor tracking Mailgun events related to email deliveryRelease 97+
OlarkFor tracking Olark transcripts and off-line messagesRelease 97+
UnbounceFor tracking Unbounce form submission eventsRelease 97+
StatusGatorFor tracking StatusGator cloud provider availability eventsRelease 97+
MarketoFor tracking events related to MarketoRelease 107+
VeroFor tracking events emitted by Vero webhooksRelease 107+
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