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Run the collector as an autoscaling group of instances behind an Load Balancer

This is the recommended production setup.

To run a load balanced auto-scaling cluster, you’ll need to follow the following steps:

  • Create an instance template
  • Create an auto managed instance group
  • Create a load balancer

Creating an instance template

First you’ll have to store your config file in some place that your instances can download from, like Google Cloud Storage. We suggest you store it in a GCP Storage bucket, as described above.

  • Click the hamburger on the top left corner and find “Compute Engine”, under Compute
  • Go to “Instance templates” on the sidebar. Click “Create instance template”
  • Choose the appropriate settings for your case. Do (at least) the following:
    • Under Access scopes, select “Set access for each API” and enable “Cloud PubSub”
    • Under Firewall, select “Allow HTTP traffic”
    • Click Management, disk, networking, SSH keys

  • Under Networking, add a tag, such as “collector”. (This is needed to add a Firewall rule)
  • Under Management “Startup script” add the following script (changing the relevant fields for your case):
#! /bin/bash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install default-jre
sudo apt-get -y install unzip
wget "<VERSION>.jar"
java -jar snowplow-stream-collector-google-pubsub-<VERSION>.jar --config <YOUR-CONFIG-FILE-NAME> &
  • Click “Create”
  • Add a Firewall rule as described above (if you haven’t already)

Create an auto managed instance group

  • On the side bar, click “Instance groups”
  • Click “Create instance group”
  • Fill in with the appropriate values. We named our instance group “collectors”.
  • Under Instance template pick the instance template you created previously
  • Set Autoscaling to “On”. By default the Autoscale is based on CPU usage and set with default settings. We’ll leave them as they are for now.
  • Under Health Check, pick “Create health check”
    • Name your health check
    • Under Port add 8080 or the port you configured above
    • Under Request path add “/health”
    • Click “Save and Continue”
  • Click “Create”

Configure the load balancer

  • Click the hamburger on the top left corner, and find “Network services” under Networking
  • On the side bar, click “Load Balancing”
  • Click “Create load balancer”
  • Select “HTTP load balancing” and click “Start configuration”

  • Under Backend configuration:
    • Click “Create a backend service”
    • Pick an appropriate name
    • Pick the instance group we created above
    • Pick the port number we configured earlier
    • Input a maximum number of requests per second per instance
    • You can input “Maximum CPU utilization” and “Capacity” at your discretion
    • Under Health check pick the health check you created previously
  • Under Host and path rules: you can just make sure that the backend service selected is the one we just created
  • Under Frontend configuration:
    • Leave IP as “Ephemeral” and leave Port to 80
  • Click “Review and finalize” to check everything is OK.
  • Click “Create”
  • You’ll be able to check out this load balancer IP and port by clicking on it
  • You can then make sure this load balancer is used by your instance group by going back to “Instance groups”
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