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Run the collector as a single instance VM in GCP

To run the collector on a single GCP instance, you'll first need to spin one up:

  • Go to the GCP dashboard, and once again, make sure your project is selected.
  • Click the hamburger on the top left corner, and select Compute Engine, under Compute
  • Enable billing if you haven’t (if you haven’t enabled billing, at this point the only option you’ll see is a button to do so)

  • Click “Create instance” and pick the apropriate settings for your case, making sure of, at least the following:
    • Under Access scopes, select “Set access for each API” and enable “Cloud PubSub”
    • Under Firewall, select “Allow HTTP traffic”
    • Optional Click Management, disk, networking, SSH keys_Under _Networking, add a Tag, such as “collector”. (This is needed to add a tagged Firewall rule, explained below)

  • Click the hamburger on the top left corner, and click on “VPC Network”, under Networking
  • On the sidebar, click on “Firewall rules”
  • Click “Create Firewall Rule”
  • Name your rule
  • Under Source filter pick “IP ranges” and specify "" (to allow traffic from everywhere)
  • Under Protocols and ports add “tcp:8080”
    • Note that 8080 is the port assigned to the collector in the configuration file. If you choose another port here, make sure you change the config file
  • Under Target tags add the Tag with which you labeled your instance (here collector)
  • Click “Create”
  • Now prepare your collector config file by following the configuration guide.
  • Create a Google Cloud Storage bucket that will host this configuration file for the collector

  • Then click “Upload Files” and upload your configuration file.

Once you have your config file in place, ssh into your instance:

gcloud compute ssh your-instance-name --zone your-instance-zone

And then run:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install default-jre
sudo apt-get -y install unzip
wget ""
java -jar snowplow-stream-collector-google-pubsub-2.9.0.jar --config <YOUR-CONFIG-FILE-NAME>
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