Databricks loader
Setting up Databricks
The following resources need to be created:
Also, events
table needs to be created before starting the application for the first time:
Statement for creating events table
-- App
app_id VARCHAR(255),
platform VARCHAR(255),
-- Date/time
etl_tstamp TIMESTAMP,
collector_tstamp TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
dvce_created_tstamp TIMESTAMP,
-- Event
event VARCHAR(128),
event_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
txn_id INTEGER,
-- Namespacing and versioning
name_tracker VARCHAR(128),
v_tracker VARCHAR(100),
v_collector VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
v_etl VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
-- User and visit
user_id VARCHAR(255),
user_ipaddress VARCHAR(128),
user_fingerprint VARCHAR(128),
domain_userid VARCHAR(128),
domain_sessionidx SMALLINT,
network_userid VARCHAR(128),
-- Location
geo_country VARCHAR(2),
geo_region VARCHAR(3),
geo_city VARCHAR(75),
geo_zipcode VARCHAR(15),
geo_latitude DOUBLE,
geo_longitude DOUBLE,
geo_region_name VARCHAR(100),
-- IP lookups
ip_isp VARCHAR(100),
ip_organization VARCHAR(128),
ip_domain VARCHAR(128),
ip_netspeed VARCHAR(100),
-- Page
page_url VARCHAR(4096),
page_title VARCHAR(2000),
page_referrer VARCHAR(4096),
-- Page URL components
page_urlscheme VARCHAR(16),
page_urlhost VARCHAR(255),
page_urlport INTEGER,
page_urlpath VARCHAR(3000),
page_urlquery VARCHAR(6000),
page_urlfragment VARCHAR(3000),
-- Referrer URL components
refr_urlscheme VARCHAR(16),
refr_urlhost VARCHAR(255),
refr_urlport INTEGER,
refr_urlpath VARCHAR(6000),
refr_urlquery VARCHAR(6000),
refr_urlfragment VARCHAR(3000),
-- Referrer details
refr_medium VARCHAR(25),
refr_source VARCHAR(50),
refr_term VARCHAR(255),
-- Marketing
mkt_medium VARCHAR(255),
mkt_source VARCHAR(255),
mkt_term VARCHAR(255),
mkt_content VARCHAR(500),
mkt_campaign VARCHAR(255),
-- Custom structured event
se_category VARCHAR(1000),
se_action VARCHAR(1000),
se_label VARCHAR(4096),
se_property VARCHAR(1000),
se_value DOUBLE,
-- Ecommerce
tr_orderid VARCHAR(255),
tr_affiliation VARCHAR(255),
tr_total DECIMAL(18,2),
tr_tax DECIMAL(18,2),
tr_shipping DECIMAL(18,2),
tr_city VARCHAR(255),
tr_state VARCHAR(255),
tr_country VARCHAR(255),
ti_orderid VARCHAR(255),
ti_sku VARCHAR(255),
ti_name VARCHAR(255),
ti_category VARCHAR(255),
ti_price DECIMAL(18,2),
ti_quantity INTEGER,
-- Page ping
pp_xoffset_min INTEGER,
pp_xoffset_max INTEGER,
pp_yoffset_min INTEGER,
pp_yoffset_max INTEGER,
-- User Agent
useragent VARCHAR(1000),
-- Browser
br_name VARCHAR(50),
br_family VARCHAR(50),
br_version VARCHAR(50),
br_type VARCHAR(50),
br_renderengine VARCHAR(50),
br_lang VARCHAR(255),
br_features_pdf BOOLEAN,
br_features_flash BOOLEAN,
br_features_java BOOLEAN,
br_features_director BOOLEAN,
br_features_quicktime BOOLEAN,
br_features_realplayer BOOLEAN,
br_features_windowsmedia BOOLEAN,
br_features_gears BOOLEAN,
br_features_silverlight BOOLEAN,
br_cookies BOOLEAN,
br_colordepth VARCHAR(12),
br_viewwidth INTEGER,
br_viewheight INTEGER,
-- Operating System
os_name VARCHAR(50),
os_family VARCHAR(50),
os_manufacturer VARCHAR(50),
os_timezone VARCHAR(255),
-- Device/Hardware
dvce_type VARCHAR(50),
dvce_ismobile BOOLEAN,
dvce_screenwidth INTEGER,
dvce_screenheight INTEGER,
-- Document
doc_charset VARCHAR(128),
doc_width INTEGER,
doc_height INTEGER,
-- Currency
tr_currency VARCHAR(3),
tr_total_base DECIMAL(18, 2),
tr_tax_base DECIMAL(18, 2),
tr_shipping_base DECIMAL(18, 2),
ti_currency VARCHAR(3),
ti_price_base DECIMAL(18, 2),
base_currency VARCHAR(3),
-- Geolocation
geo_timezone VARCHAR(64),
-- Click ID
mkt_clickid VARCHAR(128),
mkt_network VARCHAR(64),
-- ETL tags
etl_tags VARCHAR(500),
-- Time event was sent
dvce_sent_tstamp TIMESTAMP,
-- Referer
refr_domain_userid VARCHAR(128),
refr_dvce_tstamp TIMESTAMP,
-- Session ID
domain_sessionid VARCHAR(128),
-- Derived timestamp
derived_tstamp TIMESTAMP,
-- Event schema
event_vendor VARCHAR(1000),
event_name VARCHAR(1000),
event_format VARCHAR(128),
event_version VARCHAR(128),
-- Event fingerprint
event_fingerprint VARCHAR(128),
-- True timestamp
true_tstamp TIMESTAMP,
-- Collector timestamp date for partitioning
collector_tstamp_date DATE GENERATED ALWAYS AS (DATE(collector_tstamp))
PARTITIONED BY (collector_tstamp_date, event_name);
Minimal Security Configuration (optional)
The security principal used by loader needs Databricks SQL access
permission which can be enabled in the Admin Console.
Databricks does not have table access enabled by default. Enable it with the init script:
Init script creation in scala notebook
|cat << 'EOF' > /databricks/driver/conf/00-custom-table-access.conf
|[driver] {
| "spark.databricks.acl.sqlOnly" = "true"
""".stripMargin, true)
After adding the script, you need to restart the cluster. Verify that changes took effect by
evaluating spark.conf.get("spark.databricks.acl.sqlOnly")
, which should return true
Start the loader so that it can create the tables. Now the cluster is ready to be configured:
-- Clean initial permissions from tables
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.events FROM `<principal>`;
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.manifest FROM `<principal>`;
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.rdb_folder_monitoring FROM `<principal>`;
-- Clean initial permissions from schema
REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON SCHEMA <catalog>.<schema> FROM `<principal>`;
-- Loader will run CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS statements, so USAGE and CREATE and both required.
GRANT USAGE, CREATE ON SCHEMA <catalog>.<schema> TO `<principal>`;
-- COPY TO statement requires ANY FILE and MODIFY for the receiving table
GRANT MODIFY ON TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.events TO `<principal>`;
-- These tables are used to store internal loader state
GRANT MODIFY, SELECT ON TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.manifest TO `<principal>`;
GRANT MODIFY, SELECT ON TABLE <catalog>.<schema>.rdb_folder_monitoring TO `<principal>`;
Downloading the artifact
The asset is published as a jar file attached to the Github release notes for each version.
It's also available as a Docker image on Docker Hub under snowplow/rdb-loader-databricks:5.4.1
Configuring rdb-loader-databricks
The loader takes two configuration files:
- a
file with application settings - an
file with the resolver configuration for your Iglu schema registry.
An example of the minimal required config for the Databricks loader can be found here and a more detailed one here. For details about each setting, see the configuration reference.
See here for details on how to prepare the Iglu resolver file.
All self-describing schemas for events processed by RDB Loader must be hosted on Iglu Server 0.6.0 or above. Iglu Central is a registry containing Snowplow-authored schemas. If you want to use them alongside your own, you will need to add it to your resolver file. Keep it mind that it could override your own private schemas if you give it higher priority. For details on this see here.
Running the Databricks loader
The two config files need to be passed in as base64-encoded strings:
$ docker run snowplow/rdb-loader-databricks:5.4.1 \
--iglu-config $RESOLVER_BASE64 \
--config $CONFIG_BASE64
Telemetry notice
By default, Snowplow collects telemetry data for Databricks Loader (since version 5.0.0). Telemetry allows us to understand how our applications are used and helps us build a better product for our users (including you!).
This data is anonymous and minimal, and since our code is open source, you can inspect what’s collected.
If you wish to help us further, you can optionally provide your email (or just a UUID) in the telemetry.userProvidedId
configuration setting.
If you wish to disable telemetry, you can do so by setting telemetry.disable
to true
See our telemetry principles for more information.