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Configuring how events are sent

When you initialize your Tracker object, you will need to provide one or more Emitter objects. Remember that we advise using the Singleton pattern, to avoid constantly recreating your objects.

There are two types of Emitter. The Emitter parent class can only send events synchronously. The AsyncEmitter subclass sends events asynchronously by default. We recommend you use the AsyncEmitter, to avoid slowing down your app.

Emitters and AsyncEmitters are initialized in the same way. An event collector endpoint is required, but there are various optional parameters that can also be set (see API docs and below table). A Tracker can have more than one associated Emitter or AsyncEmitter. These can be provided at Tracker initialization, or added later on.


emitter1 = '')
emitter2 = '',
options: { method: 'post' })
emitter3 = '',
options: { protocol: 'https' })

tracker = [emitter1, emitter2])

Optional Emitter settings:

Optional parameterDescriptionDefault
pathOverride the default path for appending to the endpointn/a
protocolhttp or httpshttp
portThe port for the connectionn/a
methodget or postget
buffer_sizeThe size of the buffer, i.e. the number of events to send at once1
on_successA method to call if events were all sent successfullyn/a
on_failureA method to call if any events did not sendn/a
thread_countNumber of threads to use (relevant to AsyncEmitters only)1
loggerWhere to logSTDERR

Response status codes of 2xx or 3xx status codes are considered successful.

Manual flushing

You may want to force an emitter to send all events in its buffer, even if the buffer is not full. The Tracker class has a flush method which flushes all its emitters. It accepts one argument, async, which defaults to false. Unless you set async to true, the flush will be synchronous: it will block until all queued events have been sent. Of course, if you are using Emitters rather than AsyncEmitters, the flush will always be synchronous, even if async is set to true.


# Synchronous flush

# Asynchronous flush
tracker.flush(async: true)


Emitters log messages about their activity and success during event sending. By default, Emitters log their activity to STDERR, using the Ruby standard library Logger class. Messages with a message level above INFO are logged. Advanced users might wish to alter how this logging occurs. You can change the message logging level, or, alternatively, you might want to disable logging completely, or log somewhere other than STDERR. Read how to do this in the API docs.

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