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This webhook integration lets you track webhook events logged by Marketo.



Integrating Marketo's webhooks into Snowplow is a two-stage process:

  1. Configure Marketo to send events to Snowplow
  2. (Optional) Create the Marketo events tables for Amazon Redshift


Creating the webhook

  1. Go to Admin and click on Webhooks.
  2. Click New Webhook.
  3. Name and configure your webhook.

Webhook payload template

Set the ‘Request Token Encoding’ to JSON and the ‘Request Type’ to POST. Enter your URL endpoint in the ‘URL’ box. The URL for your webhook is:<company code>

To further distinguish the webhooks 3 additional fields are included: “name”, “description” and “step”. In order to populate these fields custom tokens must be created for each webhook. Custom tokens (begins with ‘{{my.’ followed by the name you created for the token) can be created in either campaign folders or programs. For our custom “step” field please create the custom token as a “number” type.

In the below example the webhook is called at the 3rd step in Campaign A’s flow.

NOTE: change the token names for the first 3 fields to align with the event your own webhook is activated on.

"name": {{my.Campaign A}},
"description": {{my.Campaign A desc}},
"step": {{my.Campaign A step}},
"campaign": {
"description": {{campaign.description}},
"id": {{}},
"name": {{}}
"company": {
"account_owner_email_address": {{company.Account Owner Email Address}},
"account_owner_first_name": {{company.Account Owner First Name}},
"account_owner_last_name": {{company.Account Owner Last Name}},
"annual_revenue": {{company.Annual Revenue}},
"billing_address": {{company.Billing Address}},
"billing_city": {{company.Billing City}},
"billing_country": {{company.Billing Country}},
"billing_postal_code": {{company.Billing Postal Code}},
"billing_state": {{company.Billing State}},
"name": {{company.Company Name}},
"notes": {{company.Company Notes}},
"industry": {{company.Industry}},
"main_phone": {{company.Main Phone}},
"num_employees": {{company.Num Employees}},
"parent_company_name": {{company.Parent Company Name}},
"sic_code": {{company.SIC Code}},
"site": {{company.Site}},
"website": {{company.Website}}
"lead": {
"acquisition_date": {{lead.Acquisition Date}},
"acquisition_program_name": {{lead.Acquisition Program Name}},
"acquisition_program": {{lead.Acquisition Program}},
"address": {{lead.Address}},
"anonymous_ip": {{lead.Anonymous IP}},
"black_listed": {{lead.Black Listed}},
"city": {{lead.City}},
"country": {{lead.Country}},
"created_at": {{lead.Created At}},
"date_of_birth": {{lead.Date of Birth}},
"department": {{lead.Department}},
"do_not_call_reason": {{lead.Do Not Call Reason}},
"do_not_call": {{lead.Do Not Call}},
"email_address": {{lead.Email Address}},
"email_invalid_cause": {{lead.Email Invalid Cause}},
"email_invalid": {{lead.Email Invalid}},
"email_suspended_at": {{lead.Email Suspended At}},
"email_suspended_cause": {{lead.Email Suspended Cause}},
"email_suspended": {{lead.Email Suspended}},
"fax_number": {{lead.Fax Number}},
"first_name": {{lead.First Name}},
"full_name": {{lead.Full Name}},
"inferred_city": {{lead.Inferred City}},
"inferred_company": {{lead.Inferred Company}},
"inferred_country": {{lead.Inferred Country}},
"inferred_metropolitan_area": {{lead.Inferred Metropolitan Area}},
"inferred_phone_area_code": {{lead.Inferred Phone Area Code}},
"inferred_postal_code": {{lead.Inferred Postal Code}},
"inferred_state_region": {{lead.Inferred State Region}},
"is_customer": {{lead.Is Customer}},
"is_partner": {{lead.Is Partner}},
"job_title": {{lead.Job Title}},
"last_interesting_moment_date": {{lead.Last Interesting Moment Date}},
"last_interesting_moment_description": {{lead.Last Interesting Moment Desc}},
"last_interesting_moment_source": {{lead.Last Interesting Moment Source}},
"last_interseting_moment_type": {{lead.Last Interesting Moment Type}},
"last_name": {{lead.Last Name}},
"lead_owner_email_address": {{lead.Lead Owner Email Address}},
"lead_owner_first_name": {{lead.Lead Owner First Name}},
"lead_owner_job_title": {{lead.Lead Owner Job Title}},
"lead_owner_last_name": {{lead.Lead Owner Last Name}},
"lead_owner_phone_numnber": {{lead.Lead Owner Phone Number}},
"lead_rating": {{lead.Lead Rating}},
"lead_score": {{lead.Lead Score}},
"lead_source": {{lead.Lead Source}},
"lead_status": {{lead.Lead Status}},
"lead_marketing_suspended": {{lead.Marketing Suspended}},
"facebook_display_name": {{lead.Marketo Social Facebook Display Name}},
"facebook_id": {{lead.Marketo Social Facebook Id}},
"facebook_photo_url": {{lead.Marketo Social Facebook Photo URL}},
"facebook_profile_url": {{lead.Marketo Social Facebook Profile URL}},
"facebook_reach": {{lead.Marketo Social Facebook Reach}},
"facebook_referred_enrollments": {{lead.Marketo Social Facebook Referred Enrollments}},
"facebook_referred_visits": {{lead.Marketo Social Facebook Referred Visits}},
"gender": {{lead.Marketo Social Gender}},
"last_referred_enrollment": {{lead.Marketo Social Last Referred Enrollment}},
"last_referred_visit": {{lead.Marketo Social Last Referred Visit}},
"linkedin_display_name": {{lead.Marketo Social LinkedIn Display Name}},
"linkedin_id": {{lead.Marketo Social LinkedIn Id}},
"linkedin_photo_url": {{lead.Marketo Social LinkedIn Photo URL}},
"linkedin_profile_url": {{lead.Marketo Social LinkedIn Profile URL}},
"linkedin_reach": {{lead.Marketo Social LinkedIn Reach}},
"linkedin_referred_enrollments": {{lead.Marketo Social LinkedIn Referred Enrollments}},
"linkedin_referred_visits": {{lead.Marketo Social LinkedIn Referred Visits}},
"syndication_id": {{lead.Marketo Social Syndication Id}},
"total_referred_enrollments": {{lead.Marketo Social Total Referred Enrollments}},
"total_referred_visits": {{lead.Marketo Social Total Referred Visits}},
"twitter_display_name": {{lead.Marketo Social Twitter Display Name}},
"twitter_id": {{lead.Marketo Social Twitter Id}},
"twitter_photo_url": {{lead.Marketo Social Twitter Photo URL}},
"twitter_profile_url": {{lead.Marketo Social Twitter Profile URL}},
"twitter_reach": {{lead.Marketo Social Twitter Reach}},
"twitter_referred_enrollments": {{lead.Marketo Social Twitter Referred Enrollments}},
"twitter_referred_visits": {{lead.Marketo Social Twitter Referred Visits}},
"middle_name": {{lead.Middle Name}},
"mobile_phone_number": {{lead.Mobile Phone Number}},
"number_of_optys": {{lead.Number of Optys}},
"original_referrer": {{lead.Original Referrer}},
"original_search_engine": {{lead.Original Search Engine}},
"original_search_phrase": {{lead.Original Search Phrase}},
"original_source_info": {{lead.Original Source Info}},
"original_source_type": {{lead.Original Source Type}},
"person_note": {{lead.Person Notes}},
"person_timezone": {{lead.Person Time Zone}},
"phone_number": {{lead.Phone Number}},
"postal_code": {{lead.Postal Code}},
"priority": {{lead.Priority}},
"registration_source_info": {{lead.Registration Source Info}},
"registration_source_type": {{lead.Registration Source Type}},
"relative_score": {{lead.Relative Score}},
"relative_urgency": {{lead.Relative Urgency}},
"role": {{lead.Role}},
"salutation": {{lead.Salutation}},
"state": {{lead.State}},
"total_opty_amount": {{lead.Total Opty Amount}},
"total_opty_expected_revenue": {{lead.Total Opty Expected Revenue}},
"unsubscribed_reason": {{lead.Unsubscribed Reason}},
"unsubscribed": {{lead.Unsubscribed}},
"updated_at": {{lead.Updated At}},
"urgency": {{lead.Urgency}}
"program": {
"description": {{program.description}},
"id": {{}},
"name": {{}}
"social": {
"promo_code": {{social.Promo Code}},
"share_url": {{social.Share Url}},
"email": {{social.Social Email}}
"sp_send_alert_info": {{SP_Send_Alert_Info}},
"datetime": {{system.dateTime}},
"forward_to_friend_link": {{system.forwardToFriendLink}},
"munkinId": {{system.munchkinId}},
"unsubscribed_link": {{system.unsubscribeLink}},
"view_as_webpage_link": {{system.viewAsWebpageLink}}

2.1.3 Using the webhook

  1. Create or edit an existing smart campaign.
  2. Go to the Flow tab and drag in the Call Webhook flow action.
  3. Select the name of the webhook from the first step.
    • You can also use webhooks in a smart list.
    • You can also use webhooks in Add Choice in a flow step.

The selected webhook will now be called whenever people enter the smart campaign flow. If you’d like to test a webhook before sending to Snowplow we recommend substituting the Snowplow webhook URL with a Request Bin

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